Tuesday, September 20, 2016


I know that y'all know my general feelings about #adulting. As in, it is equal parts liberating and frustrating. I'm only a few months into this new decade, but the 30s have proved to be much more freeing than their predecessor. I find that I'm more sure of myself and ready to face life head on. But wow, the responsibility. Throw in a tiny human into the mix, and it's. just. wow. 

It's amazing how this child who I love more than life can also be so incredibly frustrating. You go from wanting nothing but snuggles to realizing why some animals eat their young. It's a weird range of emotions if you've never been there. And people will warn you of this, and you will roll your eyes and say, "___ doesn't know me. She doesn't know my life!" And then it will be true. You truly wonder how the same thing that brings you such joy can also be so maddeningly frustrating. 

Have you ever been through a season of life in which you know your obedience was directly in line with the will of God and then things almost instantly start to cave in? I know that I know that I know that we were called to adopt our #HWD. God placed that call on our lives and orchestrated that before we were even us. Through a lot of prayer and the Lord's faithfulness and provision, we were able to adopt our son relatively quickly and debt-free. We, along with so many of you, covered the journey in prayer, and God proved his faithfulness in our lives. And the enemy doesn't like that. At. All.

Satan will try to find any way he can to tear down what God has built up. He will cause work troubles and the stress of an unexpected job hunt with a 2-month-old at home. He will bring about unexpected financial situations like a broken air conditioner (I know I know #firstworldproblems). He will cause relationships that you thought were stable to unexpectedly implode over pettiness. He will bring on emotional pain and heartache in your marriage. 

But Christ is our redeemer. He holds the keys and none of this is a shock. He provides financially beyond your wildest imagination. He brings you even closer to home in a great school. He brings true friends into your life. He brings emotional healing and immense love out of the dare to love deeply in your marriage. He brings life, hope, and peace. And that is who I choose to place my trust in. Regardless of what the world throws at you, Christ is in control. And at the end of the day, I rest in that comforting embrace.

"I will not be moved. I'll say of the Lord, 'You are my shield, my strength, my portion, deliver. My shelter, strong tower, my very present help in time of need.'"