Sunday, April 26, 2020


"He [Abraham] did not waver in unbelief at God's promise but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, because he was fully convinced that what God has promised, he was also able to do." - Romans 4:20 - 21

Rebekah & I are walking through a He / She Reads Truth study on The Promises of God, and this reference was one of the highlighted passages early in the first week. The entire passage talks about how even though Abraham was nearly 100 years old, God had promised him that he would be the father of many nations. In all of this, Abraham's faith did not waver. He continued to trust God because he knew that God was (and still is) able to do what He had promised He would do. 

Another of the week's readings featured Joshua 3, and 2 verses there stuck out to Rebekah and me: "But keep a distance of about a thousand yards between yourselves and the ark. Don't go near it, so that you can see the way to go, for you haven't traveled this way before." (Joshua 3:4). "Then Joshua told the Israelites, 'Come closer and listen to the words of the Lord your God'" (Joshua 3:9).

2020 has been a strange year for all of us (and we all thought 2019 was the pits!), but it has been different and sweet at times in our home. We placed a temporary hold on our next adoption. We took time to re-center our focus on the Lord and on each other. We have said no to things just so we could rest. It has not been all rainbows, unicorns, and puppy dogs. In fact, there have been days that have been downright rotten. But there has been a strong sense of peace in our home. We have laughed more than we have cried. We have rejoiced more than we have grieved. We have trusted more than we have wavered.

Near the end of 2019, I felt the Holy Spirit telling me that my word for the coming year was hope - for restored relationships, for peace, for completion. I didn't know exactly what that looked like at the time, and to be honest I still don't know. But I know that I know that I know that He has made me a promise, and He will fulfill that in His time and in His way. Why? Because what He has promised, He is also able to do! 

We don't know what lies ahead for us as we continue on our journey, but we do know that we have to follow the Lord since we haven't traveled this way before. It is all going to look so different - new case workers, new domestic specialist, new world in which we are living if we are being frank. Just as the Ark of the Covenant went with the Israelites to guide the way for them in the desert, the Holy Spirit goes before us down a path that we haven't been. We have to draw nearer to Him and listen to His words. It is so interesting that when we stop, when we Sabbath, when we rest & trust, we can actually hear the words of the Lord. Being forced to stop my normal and slow down has caused me to savor my quiet time because I have not rushed it. It has allowed me to journal more since I have the time, and I have had some major personal revelations this past month. It has let me spend more time with the ones I love and serve in ways I don't normally get to.

Yesterday, my van broke down and had to be towed. Hugo needs a partial engine rebuild because of some misfires as well as some other tune-ups. Obviously, we hadn't planned for that when we were in the drive through getting lunch. BUT! We had lunch ready for a backseat picnic. We were in a safe area that was easy for my MIL to come get my family while I waited for the wrecker to get the van. I was able to finally meander Target and found a pair of clearance jeans for $9 & some journals (ya know, those ones that I was nervous I wouldn't have any more of before the quarantine ended)! My BIL was able to come get me and take me home. And here's the kicker y'all. We had just closed on a refinance of our mortgage because of the low interest rates, and as a result, we actually walked away with some cash from closing - enough to COVER the cost of repairs. How incredible is that timing? These things don't surprise our God. He goes before us and makes a way where there is seemingly none. He does what He has promised he would do. We just have to come closer and listen to Him.

On this 42nd day of quarantine, I pray that you slow down, rest, and trust in the promises of a faithful God.