Tuesday, October 15, 2019

"like you"

If you follow me on facebook (and let's be honest, that's probably the only reason you're reading this), you have probably seen the video of my son mimicking his Queenie at breakfast last week. And when I say mimic, I mean every single hand gesture and voice inflection is en pointe. He repeats a lot, as most toddlers do. He soaks up everything like a sponge.

He also has this somewhat new thing in which he will see how I'm standing (typically with legs crossed, with one foot pointing down on top of the other, and arms crossed) and starts to stand the same way. He then proudly says, "Dada, I stand like you!" That phrase, "like you," has been a staple of his behavior since the early part of the summer. "I have a plate like you," "I have a hat like you," "I have smoothie like you!" (#priorities with that last one). 

I've been mulling that mindset over for several days, and I keep coming back to the idea of his doing ____ like me. I miss the mark more than I hit it in terms of my behavior and the example that I set for him. I yell, get self-absorbed, don't listen and love with patience. But I hope at the end of the day he sees a Dad who loves Jesus, his Mama, and him in that order; who works hard at everything he does; and who points others to Jesus. Parents, we have a high responsibility, which I know you know. But this has just become even more real for me recently. 

I pray that I have that same mindset about Christ. I want to stand like Him, talk like Him, serve like Him. Ultimately I want to be like Him and point others to Him in all that I do. I have stepped on my own toes just in putting this into words, but I pray that it impacts you so you can impact others for the kingdom. 

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